Thursday, 13 October 2011

Upcoming Movie Highlight: Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1

And the keenly awaited RobSten duo are back, starring in part 1 of the next chapter in this successful vampire movie phenomenon. Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) are more in love than ever and ready to commit. Their wedding invitations are sent far and wide, and not all favourably received. Our hunky werewolf, Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) is heart sore, violently acting out, with hints ensuing drama ahead. Nevertheless, the wedding takes place, without incident, and Edward promises Bella that “No measure of time with you will be long enough. But we'll start with forever”.

A steamy honeymoon in Rio de Janeiro follows, where they finally consummate their relationship. Bella soon discovers she is pregnant and only when she almost loses the baby, Edward is convinced to fulfil Bella’s wish to be immortal. The two give birth to a baby girl, Renesmee, and her birth cues the trouble ahead. The Cullens and their friends must fight against Voltri and The Quileute in order to protect Renesmee. As a half-human, half-vampire child, she threatens the other vampires as well as the wolf pack. The battle, the romance, the chivalry and the fantasy ensue.

Release date: 18th November 2011

Written for
by N. Zindi

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